Federico Gabriel Polak

Federico Gabriel polak

LL.B./J.D., Universidad de Buenos Aires (1967), Ph.D. in Law and Social Sciences (Summa cum Laude – Outstanding Doctoral Thesis); First Class Certificate with Distinction in International Law, City of London, Polytechnic (1970).

Private Practice: Estudio Polak Abogados (1967-2011). Mr. Polak acted as counsel in leading cases Swift-Deltec and Worldwide, landmark precedents domestically and internationally on the application of the disregard of legal entity doctrine. In banking litigation, he successfully represented client in the Banco Extrader case involving responsibility of a financial entity established in Argentina for its off-shore transactions. In the banking sector, he also participated in several processes of consolidation of financial entities. Mr. Polak also acted in connection with privatization programs of services and government undertakings, including processes in Brazil. Mr. Polak has also served in several cases as court appointed inspector or administrator of different companies, including Laboratorios York, Vinícola Argentina S.A., and Red Star S.A, among others.

Public Office and Government appointments: Presidential Advisor with rank of Secretary of State (2000); Administrator (with rank of Secretary of State) of the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners –PAMI- (2000/1); National Government appointed Member of the Board of Repsol - YPF (2000-2001); Deputy General Manager and Member of the General Management Body of the Argentine Central Bank – Banco Central de la República Argentina – (1985-1986); Syndic of the Argentine Central Bank - Banco Central de la República Argentina – (1988-1989); Chairman of the Bank of the Province of Chubut - Banco de la Provincia de Chubut - (1992-1993); Administrator of the Bank of the Province of Río Negro - Banco de la Provincia de Río Negro- (1991-1992); Chairman of the Supplementary Teachers’ Fund - Caja Complementaria para la Actividad Docente (1987-1989); Chief of Advisors of the National Ministry of Education and Justice (1983 – 1985); Court-appointed Administrator at Club Atlético Boca Juniors (1984-1985).

Asociaciones e Instituciones:Vice-president 2nd of the Argentine Private Banks Association -Asociación de Bancos Privados de la República Argentina- (1992-1993); Vice-president 2nd of the Sociedad Internacional para el Desarrollo (2001-2003); Vice-president 2nd of the Fundación Leandro N Alem (2005-2007); Vice-president of the Fundación Argentina para la Libre Información (FUALI) 2010-.

Academy: Dean of the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino; Professor at the Master degree in Business Law of the Universidad Austral; Professor of Commercial Law at the School of Political, Legal and Economic Sciences of the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino; Professor at the postgraduate program in Business Law and Ph.D. program of the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino; Pro-Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino; Professor of Business Law I and II at the postgraduate Specialization course in Business Law of the Buenos Aires Public Bar - Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal-; Director of Doctoral Thesis and Member of Panels of Experts Examiners of Postgraduate Thesis at the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino and the Universidad Austral; Postgraduate Visiting Professor at the Universidad Notarial Argentina. Former Professor, Adjunct Professor, Lecturer and Assistant Professor of commercial law and private international law in several universities, including the Universidad de Buenos Aires, the Universidad Notarial Argentina (Buenos Aires and Mendoza local divisions) and Universidad Católica de La Plata. Mr. Polak has frequently acted as speaker at commercial law and private international law conferences and venues in Argentina and abroad.

Publications: Author of more than a hundred publications on corporate and business law in several law reviews and journals, including Revista de Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, Revista Jurídica La Ley, Revista El Derecho, Errepar, among others; co-author of “El caso Swift-Deltec. La reparación judicial de una agresión económica foránea.” Feyde. La Ley, 1974; co-author of “Función Política de la Corte Suprema. Obra en Homenaje a Julio Oyhanarte” (“El derecho a conocer la verdad”), Ábaco, 2000; author of “Limited Liability Company” (“Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada”). Ábaco, 1998; author of “The foreign company” (“La empresa extranjera”), Ábaco, 2003; co-author of “Companies before the IGJ (“Capacity of a company incorporated abroad to participate in litigation”) (“Sociedades ante la IGJ” (“Capacidad de la sociedad constituida en el extranjero para estar en juicio”), Editorial La Ley, 2005; co-author of “New perspectives in corporate law and the draft of amendments to the business companies law” (“Concept of company in the Draft of Amendments. The need of a new draft”) (“Nuevos perspectivas en el derecho societario y el anteproyecto de reforma de la ley de sociedades comerciales” (Concepto de sociedad en el Anteproyecto de Reformas. Necesidad de la elaboración de un nuevo proyecto”), First National Congress on the Draft of Amendments to the business company law - Primer Congreso Nacional sobre el Anteproyecto de reforma a la ley de sociedades comerciales-, 2005; co-author “Efficient Economic Management. Investment Funds (Comment to the ruling on “Bensuan Salvador y otra c. Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.)” - (Gestión económica ineficiente. Fondos de inversión. (Comentario al fallo Bensusan Salvador y otra c. Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A. 11/09/2003), in “Estudios en Homenaje al Profesor Enrique Butty”, Universidad Austral, 2011; contributor since 1980 to several political reviews and newspapers of national distribution, including Búsqueda, Extra, Debate, Clarín, La Nación, Ámbito Financiero, BAE, Página/12, among others; author of “Un viejo diccionario español. La tontería del desarrollo argentino”, Ediciones Corregidor, 2005; coordinator with Sebastián Verea and Federico C. Polak of the website El Tonto y los Sabios; author of the novel “Remember Max Baer”, Editorial Aurelia Rivera, 2008.

Languages: Spanish and English.

Practice Areas: Commercial and Corporate Law; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Conflicts; Insolvencies and Restructurings, Banking Law.

E-mail: fgpolak@qvda.com.ar