LL.B./J.D., Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires; Master in International Relationships, Johns Hopkins University – School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC, United States.
Private Practice: Quevedo Abogados (2009--); Argentine Counsel for International Relations (CARI), Academic Secretary. He served as advisor and consultant of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Industries -Cámara Argentina de Industrias Electrónicas- (CADEI), the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) and the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL). He was a member of the Board of the Banco Hipotecario Nacional (National Mortgage Bank) and of the Sociedad Mixta Siderúrgica Argentina (SOMISA).
Public Office: Former Secretary for the Production for the Defense and Former Secretary of Planning for the Defense, both at the Ministry of Defense; Former Advisor for the Defense Committee of the Honorable Chamber of Representatives of the National Congress.
Academy: Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law at the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Memberships: Member of the Advisory Council for the Master in International Relations of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Former Executive Secretary of the Argentine-Brazilian Business Council (Consejo Empresario Argentino-Brasileño) and former member of Managing Committee of the Club del Progreso.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Practice Areas: International and Constitutional Law.
E-mail: jllados@qvda.com.ar